Saturday 4 January 2014

New Years Resolutions | Ameliadoeslife

No way is it 2014 already?! Um, yeah, yeah it is.

So this year I have quite a few resolutions... And when I say quite a few, I mean a lot.
2013 was kind of a crappy year for me for multiple reasons, but it got better as it got drew to an end, and now I'm finally starting to be happy and trying to just live my life.

Right, so enough of the rambling, lets get into my New Years resolutions!

1. So my first one is the one I want to achieve the most, and that is to just BE HAPPY. It may seem like a really simple task, but it's not for me. I have never in my life been really genuinely happy for a long period of time. Don't get me wrong, I don't walk around with a rain cloud over my head, and I am a happy person on the outside, but it's hard to explain how my mind works. Maybe I'll do a blog post about it some time. But yeah, I just want to be able to be free and live life to the full (major cliché cheese moment!)

2. Stop caring what others think of you. Now this one, is really hard. I've been trying to do this for basically since I went to High School, but it's proving to be one of the hardest resolutions ever! Since I can remember, I've always cared so much about people's opinions of me, and it's one of the main reasons I became to low and pretty much never left the house this time last year. I've never been skinny, and I have always had a fuller figure and a bigger frame than most of my friends. Although I've never been called fat or anything, it's always bothered me that I'm bigger than I want to be. It doesn't help that I'm fairly tall, too. This is the worst trait that I have, that I care way too much about what people think of me. It got to a point where I would sleep with my hands completely covering my face and I would dream that people were looking at me, judging me. Weird, I know.
So this resolution is one that I REALLY need to work on. It helps being in a new country, and starting a new job and just having a fresh start. If everyone had the mindset of 'who cares?!' I think we'd would all be so much happier. 

3. Eat healthy. At the moment, I eat so much crap, I don't know how I'm not bigger than I am. I love vegetables and fruit, and most things that are good for you, but I am actually addicted to junk food. My main downfalls are sweets, chocolate & cheese.
I'm not going to diet as such, but I'm just going to try and eat better, and cut out the bad stuff. So far it's not going so well.. I had 2 pop tarts for breakfast.. woops. 

4. Start YouTube. One of my favourite things to do is watch YouTube videos, be it beauty related or not. I did have a YouTube channel once with my friends where we did chipmunk versions of songs, (yep, we were about 10 at the time). But I've always enjoyed making videos and editing them and just communicating with people. I have always threatened to make a YouTube, yet I just have never had the confidence to do it. I left my camera back in the UK, but once I get on my feet, I'm going to buy a camera and some softbox lighting, and start making beauty and non-beauty related videos! This really excites me, ahhh!

5. Start Yoga. Even if it's on my balcony, or in a class, I just want to start yoga!

6. Stop biting around my nails. I don't bite my nails, but I bite the skin around them, but it's so gross and I need to stop! Also, I want to get my nails done regularly and maybe get acrylics, so, gotta have nice nails for that!

7. Stop being so god damn lazy. This one's just simple. I'm way too lazy. So I'm making it my mission to leave the house at least once a day. 

Okay, I can't think of any more, so that should about cover it for this year!

Tell me your New Years Resolution in the comments below!

Amelia xo

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