Monday 29 April 2013


Hey beautifuls.

So, I am baaaack.
Thought I'd post and do a short update of my life in bulletpoints, cause everyone loves bulletpoints.
I can finally get to my computer cause my computer chair was absolutely stacked high with clothes (moving house)!

Right, so I'll start with the update!

  • I'm moving in with my mum because she finally has her own place!
  • My dog, daisy, is off to Canada to live with my sister and her fiance on the 24th May!
  • I have literally been living and sleeping everywhere lately, so I apologize for the lack of blog posts!
  • I've kinda been a bit of a recluse because I don't even want to go out of the house anymore, specially if it's on my own. Long story short - I hate everything about myself.
  • On a more happy note, it's only 101 days until my 18th birthday, which is amazing because I can finally apply for a visa then I'm buggering off to Canada!
  • Wow, when you make bulletpoints it seems that nothing has happened, but I really feel like I'm so busy!
  • I still haven't got a bloody job, which is just suckish.

Honestly, I swear I've done more than that... Oops.

I know I say this all the time but, I'm going to make a YouTube video tomorrow, and I'm going to make an 'April Favourites' video! :) So look out for that, I will post here tomorrow with the link!

I always seem so motivated at night, why?!
But, I'm gonna go to sleep now, so goodnight bloggers(:

Love, Amelia x