Monday 25 February 2013

Dolly Bow Bow

Oh em gee.
I have found a new obsession. Ohhh if only I had money! 
So I've just been watching loads of Dolly Bow Bow's videos on YouTube, like i've completely stalked her channel and preeetty much watched every single video, and I noticed how beautiful her jewelry always is, so I clicked the link to her online and shop and it is fair to say... I am in love with absolutely everything she sells. Every single product is just beautiful, especially the jewelry, seriously, if you haven't checked out her shop, blog, youtube, I'll link them all at the end because if you're a beauty/shopping addict like myself, you'll love her channel. She deserves so many more subscribers on YouTube, she definitely deserves as much as Zoella (I love Zoella, also!). 

I have already created a Dolly Bow Bow wish list on my little note pad that I put everything in!
So far it's come up to £92.50... Ooops.

See this is where I need a job, so I can buy all of this and not have to worry about asking my dad for everything (even if I ask him he won't let me buy it because I am a shopaholic and already have far too much jewelry that I never wear). 

Here is the link to Kate (Dolly Bow Bow)'s shop -  
(I've already linked her Youtube channel up there ^),

But yeah, here is one of my favourite items from her shop that I most probably will purchase this week!

I absolutely love this, because I love gold & I love lilac, so everything about this bracelet is perfect.
It's only twelve pounds also, which is just fab.

Go check kate & her shop out because honestly,
you'll love it.



  1. She has an amazing shop doesn't she? She always comes across as so down to earth as well :) xx

    Gem ♥ | Miss Makeup Magpie

  2. So pretty! I'll check o=it out! :)

    Please come and check out my latest post if you have a few minutes spare :)


